Leadership Giving Opportunities

Leadership gifts to Cycle for Survival are donations of $10,000 or more. These gifts are essential to advancing progress in rare cancer research at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center (MSK).

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Be a Leader in the Movement to Beat Rare Cancers

As the official rare cancer fundraising program for MSK, Cycle for Survival supports pioneering rare cancer research and clinical trials at MSK with 100% of every dollar raised. Leadership gifts and multiyear pledges are a great way to amplify the impact of your support for Cycle for Survival. Ready to make a leadership gift or join the Leaders Circle? Email leaderscircle@cycleforsurvival.org

What is the Leaders Circle?

Leaders Circle members make multiyear financial commitments to Cycle for Survival of $10,000 or more per year for at least three years. These pledges sustain current investigations and secure future research opportunities for MSK doctors and scientists who are pursuing bold ideas that could lead to the next big breakthrough in rare cancer treatment.

Why Join the Leaders Circle?

Leaders Circle members recognize of the urgent need for research and innovation. Their contributions — as philanthropists, influential leaders in our community, and champions of Cycle for Survival’s mission — are essential to the movement to beat rare cancers.

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Members are awarded access to exclusive opportunities to complement their involvement with Cycle for Survival. As a Leaders Circle member, you will:

  • Attend interactive gatherings with peers and MSK clinicians and scientists to learn about key priorities for Cycle for Survival, MSK, and rare cancer research
  • Establish a direct relationship with MSK Giving staff, who will provide you with tailored updates on MSK initiatives made possible by your support
  • Be recognized for your generosity on Cycle for Survival’s website and at events throughout the season


“Both my wife and daughter are survivors of rare cancers, and for that I am immensely grateful. Our good fortune is the direct result of research into new treatments that took place prior to their battles.
“I wanted to find a way to contribute more to Cycle for Survival beyond participating in the events, and being part of the Leaders Circle has awarded me that opportunity. From a financial perspective, I know that my contributions are providing a predictable and critical revenue stream for Cycle for Survival and MSK. But it’s more than that. The Leaders Circle is a community that comes together to build and learn. That adds an element of satisfaction that amplifies the impact I know we’re making with our donations.”

Jason Harinstein
Co-Chair of the Cycle for Survival Leaders Circle


Want to hear more about the Leaders Circle?

Thank you to our Leaders Circle members!

A. James & Alice B. Clark Foundation and the Nussdorf Family Foundation
A.J. and Sean Murphy
Adam & Quyen Wilson
Alex and Natalia Giannou
Andrew and Colleen Fisher
Ann, Joon, Christian and Chloe Kim
The Blatts, Hazelkorns, and Leftons on behalf of the Beverly Hazelkorn Uterine Cancer Research Foundation
Brave Like Gabe Foundation
Brett Keith
Brian and Kristen Novelline
Cari and Jason Walcott
Chad and Kimberly Evans
Chris and Ellen Scovotti
Christopher and Elizabeth Hogbin
The Cohen Family
David Booth and Jane Garnett
Emily Portney and Harry Sardanis
Frank and Amy Bozich
Geoff Oltmans and Tara Mark
Giuseppina Buonfantino
Greycroft Foundation
Jason and Sarah Harinstein
JDJ Foundation
Jeannie and Jonathan Lavine
Jennifer Milacci and Marc Scher
Jonathon and Laurie Soler
Julie and Arnold Jacobs
Kathleen and Chris Gaffney in Honor of George B. Christie
The Kass and Michael Lazerow Family Foundation, Inc.
The Katz Family
Kuldeep and Manjola Madan

The Linn Family
Little Eric's Foundation
Lowell and Liesa Berkson
Maria Veltre
Matthew and Cristina Ripperger
Michael Malafronte and Julia Haley
Michael and Bonnie Weinbach
Miriam, Emily, and Jon Birge
Nikoh Foundation
Patrick and Betsy Flanagan
Rachael Bradley
Richard Myers and Grace Evans Myers
The Rick Northrop Family in Honor of Linda Northrop
The Reiss Family Foundation
Sally and David Dornaus
Shannon Hartley
The Shteinbuk and Mead Family
Shawn and Kristen Faurot
The Spear Family
Stephanie and Michael Ferdman
Stephen and Betsy Buell
The Sumas Family Foundation
Ted and Amy Gavin
The Trunk is Up, Inc.
Tim and Theresa Dilley
Tina Daniels
Tony Nero
Wendy and Joshua Feldman Charitable Gift Fund

Every dollar makes a difference in the movement to beat rare cancers. Support innovative research and lifesaving clinical trials at MSK by making a gift of any amount.
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